– What if getting bit by a zombie made you really really adorable? But still made you walking dead? –…
Tag: cooking
Competitive Winter Picnicking – 2014
Sunday Jan 19, 2014 from 1-3 PM in Brooklyn, NY – register your team to bring a unique, memorable, delicious…
Tatical Brunch at Maker Faire 2013 – Expanded tactial brunch gets 3 blue ribbons!
Tactical Brunch returns to Maker Faire. With this round including sculptural sandwiches, toasties, cappuccinos, crepes and snow cones!
Meeting of the Minds Aug 21, 2013 – an impromptu event and infiltration for people who are interested but not yet involved
People always ask me to bring them along on events. But, I hesitate to bring along people I haven't worked…
Frying Bacon with the Sun – Using a 65-Inch Fresnel Lens to Cook at the Destination Moon Festival.
Using a 65-inch Fresnel lens to show the power of the sun, by frying bacon!
The Mason Project – eating together, while eating apart – A social, distributed way to cook, share and eat for busy people.
A weekly get together where people share meals for the week. Each attendee brings 6 mason jars, all filled with…